The Pettman National Junior Academy is New Zealand’s most successful music scholarship programme, preparing our most talented young musicians for future studies at the world’s leading Universities.

The programme is open for young musicians aged 8 – 18, all orchestral instruments, voice and piano are offered.

The Academy offers 45 scholarships at $4000 each, International masterclasses, frequent concert opportunities, career development opportunities, individual lessons with our world class teachers and targeted competition preparation.

“I’m delighted that you are interested in the Pettman National Junior Academy. Hearing our Students discuss their Academy and their part within it confirms that they are happy to be musicians, being well educated by their excellent Tutors.

Congratulations Edith and Wolfgang for many successful years and I wish you well for many more.”

Lady Maureen Pettman

The Pettman National Junior Academy is proudly sponsored by

Lady Maureen Pettman
and the
Pettman Foundation


The student will have individual lessons with a PNJA teacher within the programme.

The programme will provide entrance into the following classes:

  • Masterclasses
  • Performance Classes
  • Piano accompaniment
  • Participation in concerts on a regular basis
  • Competition preparation (as discussed with the teacher)

The PNJA soloists programme is designed to allow students to reach their full potential. The programme focuses on individual lessons – these will be given by a mutually agreed teacher, in most cases the teacher you are already working with. In addition to the individual lessons, we offer monthly performance classes where all students meet and perform excerpts of their current repertoire. PNJA teachers will be present and provide valuable feedback.

PNJA has a permanent concert series running throughout the year where students should present movements or full works regularly. The PNJA accompanist will provide rehearsal time before the concert and perform with our students on stage.

Masterclasses with national and international artists are another facet of the scholarship program. These will be discussed with parents and teachers with advance notice given, and participation is voluntary. Ensemble activities and other additional activities will be discussed with parents and teachers and will be offered on a case-to-case basis


Full costs

$ 6,880 (incl GST)

Barrie and Maureen Pettman Scholarship

$ 4,000

Student fee

$ 2,880 (incl GST)


The part time programme has two different levels which I will explain below. Please note on your contract whether you are interested in level A or B. For both levels, you would stay privately with you current teacher, the Part Time PNJA programme is an add-on program.

Part time programme Level A

  • active participation in performance classes
  • active participation concert
  • active participation in masterclasses and other PNJA activities


Full costs $ 4,580 (incl GST)
Barrie and Maureen Pettman Scholarship $ 4,000
Student fee $   580 (incl GST)

Part time programme Level B

  • active participation in performance classes
  • active participation in the concert series
  • active participation in masterclasses and PNJA ensemble activities
  • 6 lessons @45min each with PNJA teacher


Full costs $ 5,040 (incl GST)
Barrie and Maureen Pettman Scholarship $ 4,000
Student fee $ 1040 (incl GST)

The PNJA part time programme is designed to allow to continue private lessons with their current teacher and can get additional input in the form of masterclass lessons with one of the PNJA staff members.

These lessons will be scheduled between the PNJA staff member and parents once per month during term to, a total of 6 lessons at 45min each will be given in each studying year. The private teacher will always receive feedback from the PNJA teacher and repertoire choices for the year will be coordinated to avoid overloading students with different sets of expectations.  In addition to the individual lessons, we offer monthly performance classes where all students meet and perform excerpts of their current repertoire. PNJA teachers will be present and provide valuable feedback.

PNJA has a permanent concert series running throughout the year where students should present movements or full works regularly. Part -time students are invited to participate actively in these concerts.

Masterclasses with national and international artists are another facet of the scholarship programme. Part-time programme students are invited to participate in masterclasses passively. Active participation is possible and will be discussed on a case-to-case basis.


 All students receive a very generous scholarship from the Pettman National Junior Academy.

Fees are set for each academic year and are subject to increase as required. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed/arranged with the Head of Junior Programmes in advance, students are expected to take part in all elements of the core curriculum.

The Pettman National Junior Academy of Music is very happy to offer options for the annual fees to be paid. These can be either of the following:

Payments per monthly instalments: The total annual fee can be split into smaller instalments, with an invoice sent per month (total fees are to be paid within 10 months’ maximum).

Payments per semester: The total annual fee can be split into two larger payments, with an invoice sent per semester.

If a student starts later in the year, the fee will be prorated.


Soloists programme

Annual fee NZ$2,880

Part time programme Level A

Annual fee NZ$580

Part time programme Level B

Annual fee NZ$1,040


Students are expected to perform at a standard equivalent to Grade 5 and above.


Entrance to both the Part-time and the Soloists programme is by audition. Students are expected to perform a varied programme of 5 – 10 min (chamber music programme) and 10 – 15 min (soloists programme). Part of the audition process is an interview, including the instrumental teacher, to discuss the best possible programme for the individual student.


The second stage of the application process is an interview with the Director of the Academy and members of the teaching faculty.


Successful applicants will then receive a letter of acceptance which outlines their status within the  Academy. This letter will outline the requirements and expectations for the programme, and the parents of the student will be required to sign a contract. On receipt of a completed contract, the Pettman National Junior Academy will issue an invoice for the student


NEWS: Concerto success in Tauranga for Pettman Academy cello student Esther Lee

Esther Lee, a year 12 student and cellist at Epsom Girls Grammar School, has been attending the Pettman National Junior Academy for over six years and is a familiar participant at many local and national competitions and concerts. In 2016 Esther performed as a soloist with the Bay of Plenty Symphonia, reached the semi-final of the Pettman Chamber Competition and finished runner-up in the Pettman Solo Competition. 

NEWS: PNJA student Madeleine Xiao wins piano concerto competitions

Madeleine Xiao, aged 14 and a student of the Pettman National Junior Academy for the last three years, was recently awarded first prize in the North Shore Performing Arts Society’s piano concerto competition. She performed a section of Mozart’s Piano Concerto no. 17, K. 453, in G minor. Of her recent success, Madeleine comments: “I’m really proud of myself as it was my first time playing a piano concerto in front of an audience. I really enjoyed working with the orchestra and it was a great experience”.  



New Student Auditions

Auditions for the Pettman National Junior Academy of Music will be held from 10th– 14th April 2024.

“In art, the best is the standard. When you hear a new violinist, you do not compare him to the kid next door; you compare him to Stern and Heifetz.” 

Ursula K Le Guin

Our Students...

Andrew Yu, Piano

Our Students...

Anna Zhang, Flute
The Pettman National Junior Academy is proudly sponsored by

Maureen Pettman
and the
Pettman Foundation

Important Dates

Find out more about the PNJA schedule for the upcoming year…  Concerts, masterclasses, auditions and student dates.